• Mrs. Milissa Kenworthy
    Office Phone: 810-591-6235
    1st Hour: 7th Grade Band
    2nd Hour: 7/8 Orchestra
    Travel/ Elementary Orchestra
    Randels, Rankin, Dye Elementary Schools
    5th Hour: 6th Grade Orchestra 
    6th Hour: 6th Grade Orchestra 
    Please sign up for REMIND to receive information regarding Instrumental Music Classes.
    6 Band class code: @cams6band
    7 Band class code: @cams7band
    8 Band Class code: @cams8band
    6 Orchestra:        @cams6stri
    7/8 Orchestra:       @cams7-8str
    Also, please make sure you have a valid email registered in CHARMS. We will be sending other Music Department information as it becomes available. See the login in information on this page.