•      Love Math...  
    Mrs. Baldwin
        7th grade Regular & Accelerated Math
    Email:  rbaldwin@carmanainsworth.org
    Class Phone:  810-591-6263
                 Here's some important information for our Remote learning as we start this 2020-2021 school year:
       *Our class work & instruction will be on "Google Classroom."  Here are the codes your student will need to enter:
    1st hr:  6tge3ga  
    3rd hr:  2tmwlxj
    4th hr: uvqgskf
    4th hr. Advisory:  73knjpn
    5th hr:  o3s546s
    6th hr: alueye
                  *Please also sign up for my "Remind" if you haven't done so this year.  Thank you to those who've already signed up!
    Class codes are: 
    Hours 1-5:  Text to 81010 the message "@math7for2"
    6th Hour Accelerated:  Text to 81010 the message "@2862g8"
                             * I look forward to communicating with each of you multiple times per week.  Remind or my email will be the easiest way for us to communicate!!
    Finally, please remember we have strict learning expectations that were sent out to all parents by Mr. Chapman. Please note, we will be upholding these strict learning expectations. As part of those expectations, our classrooms will stick to a remote bell schedule, where your student must "show up" to class each day, at the correct time, as posted below:
    1st Hour:  8:00-8:55
    2nd Hour:  9:00-9:55
    3rd Hour:  10:00-10:55
    Hw Help (Advisory 4th hour):  11:00-11:15
    Lunch:  11:15-11:45
    Hw Help (Advisory 4th hour):  11:45-Noon
    4th Hour Actual Class:  12:05-1:00
    5th Hour: 1:05-2:00
    6th Hour:  2:05-3:00
    2nd Hour Planning:  9:00-9:55