• General Information

    To the Student:

    This booklet has been developed to help you in preparing your school program. It is extremely important that you make wise course selections, so be sure to talk to your parents. Talk with your counselor and your teacher if you are not sure of your choices or need additional information. Because the selection process is so important, you will get a math recommendation from your math teacher. You should give serious thought to your elective choices as it may not be possible to change them at a later date. While every attempt is made to give every student all of their elective choices, staffing and scheduling conflicts sometimes prevent it from happening. Eighth graders, please put special thought into the elective courses that you list as alternatives on the registration worksheet.

    Remember that course selections should be made with regard to your ability, interests, previous achievement and future plans. A worksheet is provided to help you and your parents to design your schedule. At Carman-Ainsworth Middle School, we hope you will be motivated toward a degree of educational excellence that will better prepare you for Carman-Ainsworth Senior High School and a happy, rewarding future.

    To the Parents:

    This booklet provides you with information about courses offered at Carman-Ainsworth Middle School. We believe it is important for you to discuss with your child the importance of proper course selections. Worksheets are provided to assist in making course selections.

    School Counseling Office is available at 810-591-3548