• Mr. Stewarts Web Page

    Please access your Google Classroom page. Everything you need to get started will be there. I'm excited to start school again. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need anything. 

    United States History   AP World History       Contact Me
    Class Schedule:

    1st Hour: US History

    2nd Hour: US History


    4th Hour: US History 

    5th Hour: AP World History

    6th Hour: US History 

    Google Classroom Codes: 

    1st Hour:  o3uyk64

    2nd Hour: eqdjcbn

    Advisory: rtvzuxf

    4th Hour:  ynjzaiv

    5th Hour: bwwg6tu

    6th Hour:  bwwg6tu






    Contact Information 

    Room: #126
    Phone: (810)591-5532
    Email: mstewart@carmanainsworth.org