• Carman-Ainsworth Community
    The Carman-Ainsworth community is the most diverse in Genesee County and perhaps one of the most diverse communities in the state north of the metro Detroit area. Stretching over a 12-mile narrow band along the Interstate-75 and U.S.-23 corridor, the community is an inner-ring suburb of the city of Flint, Michigan. The school district comprises a majority of Flint Township and portions of the agricultural municipality of Mundy Township as well as small sections of the cities of Burton and Flint.
    Flint Township is home to more houses of worship than any other municipality in the county. While most of the district's 34,000 residents describe themselves as Christians, the community is also home to the two Jewish synagogues in the county as well as an Islamic mosque.
    In 2002, residents approved the then largest school renovation project in the history of Genesee County ($50 million bond issue). Committed parents and local residents formed a community-based school support committee called C.A.R.E.S. - Carman-Ainsworth Residents for Excellent Schools.