What is it?

    Student Council is the government of each Carman-Ainsworth class and is made up of delegates from the respected class. Each class elects a President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer along with six (6) Representatives. Elections, with the exception of Freshman fall elections, are held in the spring. If elected, a representative may apply for membership in one of three (3) standing committees: Public Relations, Community Service, and Fundraising. These make up the Cabinet and each have duties specific to their own committee.

    Student Council members are in charge of all distinct class duties that count for class competitions, such as (but not limited to) building the Homecoming float, updating the council bulletin board, informing their classmates about all upcoming class competitions, rallying class spirit in hopes of achieving the preset percentage and being a positive force in our school and community through service.

    Being a part of Student Council provides limitless leadership opportunities and instills in students the desire to support the Carman-Ainsworth schools and community beyond their high school career.

    If you are interested in learning more about Student Council, please contact the Executive Board Advisors, Mike Stewart, mstewart@carmanainsworth.org or Angela Middleton at amiddlet@carmanainsworth.org.