Physical Science
Mrs. K Herd
Course Information
1st and 2nd hour
Grades: 9
Room 307
Duration of class: two semesters for one credit
Email: kherd@carmanainsworth.org
Teacher Information
Planning hour: None
Phone: 810-591-5470
8th grade science.
Course Description and Overview of Content
Course Goal/ Intended Outcomes
In addition to preparing students for Chemistry and Physics courses, Physical Science also provides an opportunity to grow in scientific literacy so that our students may better understand future scientific advancements and be able to make informed choices important to their success in today’s rapidly changing society.
Texts and/ or Other Materials
- Students will need a scientific calculator, such as TI30
- Students will also need a 3 ring binder with dividers, and a folder to collect the handouts in. A three ring binder is the single most effective tool to keep notes, lab write-ups, and handouts organized.
- Notebook or loose leaf paper and pencils or pens.
- A composition notebook.
Format and Activities
Generally the instructions are based on guided inquiry. This usually involves the following:
- Connect to learner’s prior knowledge
- Provide the new information
- Provide opportunity for guided practice and assign independent practice
- Application- occasionally projects will be assigned for students to apply the concepts learned in a new way
These steps will be carried out using a variety of activities, demonstrations, discussions and laboratory investigations. It is clear that full student participation is a requirement.
Grading Practices and Procedures
Term Grades Semester Grades
Tests and quizzes 50% MP 1, 2 & 3 80%
Participation and
Homework, labs and projects 50% Final Exam 20%
Grading Scale: Notice that the following scale is slightly lower to your advantage.
92.50% --- 100.0% A 72.50% --- 76.49% C
89.50% --- 92.49% A- 69.50% --- 72.49% C-
86.50% --- 89.49% B+ 66.50% --- 69.49% D+
82.50% --- 86.49% B 62.50% --- 66.49% D
79.50% --- 82.49% B- 59.50% --- 66.49% D-
76.50% --- 79.49% C+ Less than 59.50% E
Late Work: Students will earn 50% of completed credit on the first day that the assignment is late. After that, the most a student will earn will be 20%. No late work is accepted after the test on that Unit.
Daily Homework Assignments:
In order to succeed in Physical Science, you are expected to study at home. That is, you need to read the book, do your assignments, and complete other related work. . If remedial work is necessary you may need to invest a little more time. Those involved with jobs, extra curricular activities, etc. must manage their schedule accordingly. This includes weekends.
You will receive all of the daily assignments for each semester in one packet at the beginning of the semester. It is your responsibility to keep track of the work even if you are absent.
Spot checks of daily assignments will be made. Checking of the assignments may be done without advance notice; therefore, make sure that assignments are up to date. No credit will be given to work that is incomplete. However, credit will be awarded to work that demonstrates a genuine attempt and is complete. Please note that answers alone are not sufficient, work must be shown and copied work will not earn credit.
No individual extra credit will ever be assigned; however, extra credit points will be awarded to work that significantly exceeds the highest expectation. Occasionally, bonus questions will be offered on tests and assignments. Your emphasis should be on accomplishing assigned tasks with excellence, rather than counting on extra credit.
Attendance/ Tardiness Practices and Procedures
Students are expected to be in class on time. It is clear that attendance is important because it provides a student with the necessary knowledge and skills to earn good grades on tests, quizzes, and activity write-ups.
Tardiness: A student is considered tardy if she/he is not in his/her seat when the tardy bell rings. Therefore, standing outside the door and rushing in as the bell rings constitutes as tardy.
4 tardies to a single class will result in one lunch detention.
All subsequent tardies will each result in a lunch detention.
Extensive tardiness to 1st hour will result in suspension or loss of student driving privileges.
Good attendance is recognized by every teacher and employer as a necessary requirement for quality work.
Students who are present the day a test is announced will be expected to take the test on test day, even if they are absent on the day before the test.
Students who are absent on a test day, should expect to take the test upon their return. Please be advised that makeup tests may be different and possibly more difficult. Being present on the test days is certainly to your advantage.
This is an in-class activity based course where attendance is necessary to fully comprehend the concepts.
Students must not miss more than 12 class periods for any course for the semester. Both excused and unexcused absences count towards the total number 12 absences. If 12 absences are reached, then the student must complete a behavior plan with their Care Team.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
Students are expected to come to class with the purpose of learning. They should have their textbook, notebook/binder, and calculator. Everyone is expected to actively participate in class. Any activity detracting from the learning activity will not be tolerated. Students who act irresponsibly (not observing the safety rules) during laboratory activities will be removed from the lab and lose that portion of their grade.
Students will be fined for broken lab equipment.
Hall Passes: Each student will receive 6 passes per semester. Hall passes are for emergencies only. It is advisable that students use the passing time to attend to their personal needs.
Academic Integrity/ Cheating/ Plagiarism
Students will be placed in groups for the purpose of learning cooperatively. Their tests and written work; however, are expected to be their own. Students cheating or unfairly assisting other students during a test will lose all credit on that test. Students may cooperate on labs and converse about lab write-ups, but they may not copy each other’s work. If caught copying another student’s work, both students will not receive credit for that assignment. In the same vein, plagiarism will result in 0 credits for an assignment.
Technology Usage
- Online web activities will be occasionally assigned.
- CPS machines will be used from time to time for in class evaluations.
Other Comments
You may sign up for extra assistance. I am usually available after school in room 307. I will be happy to answer questions or to talk with you during this time.
We also offer after school tutoring in the media center Monday-Thursday.