Continuity of Learning Plan 2023-2024
Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools
Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan
(as of April 2, 2024)
Under the American Rescue Plan: Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief III (ARP: ESSER III), local districts must develop and maintain a Return to In-Person Instruction and Continuity of Services Plan. This plan outlines and details the district’s plan for a safe return to, or maintenance of, in-person instruction and must include information regarding the district’s implementation of the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC’s) most current guidance at the time of development. In-person learning has been shown to provide the greatest benefit to students.
Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools has implemented the following practices to maintain the in-person learning environment. The district may adjust this plan in response to information about current and future variants of COVID-19 or other communicable diseases and transmission rates in individual buildings across the district or if the risk of severe illness, hospitalization, or death increases. If such adjustments are needed, the plan will be shared again for public input. The plan will also be reviewed every six months during the life of the ARP ESSER III grant, and updates will be completed if needed. The plan will be shared for public input during those intervals as well. The district will comply with any and all local, state, and federal mandates/orders.
Supporting Documents:
MDE and MDHHS “Managing Communicable Diseases in Schools”
MDHHS Readiness, Response, Recovery Cycle
The CDC will determine the COVID-19 community level for the county. Based on the community COVID-19 level, as determined by the CDC, Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools, in consultation with Michigan Department of Health & Human Services (MDHSS) and Genesee County Health Department (GCHD) as necessary, will determine the number of mitigation strategies to implement to foster optimal learning environments while simultaneously ensuring the health and safety of students and staff.
The district will comply with any and all local, state, and federal mandates/orders.
The following plan outlines Instructional Services for Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools:
Continuity of Instructional Services
Grades KP-12: Elementary, middle, and high school students will attend school in-person for five full days (Monday-Friday) for the school year.
Families of students with health needs have the option to enroll in virtual courses provided by VLAC (KP-5), through a partnership with Oakland Schools and Accelerate Education (6-12). Secondary students will be provided a Carman-Ainsworth mentor; elementary students will be assigned a teacher through VLAC. The mentor will also provide additional instruction and monitoring of student learning.
COVID-19 Testing
Testing will not be required, but test kits may be offered to families if provided by the state. Athletic testing will not be required unless mandated by the MHSAA, a local, state, or federal agency, and/or a sanctioning body.
Face Coverings (Masks)
Staff, students, volunteers, and visitors may wish to wear a face covering regardless of the current level of community transmission. The district will follow all laws, lawfully executed orders, regulations, etc., that pertain to facial coverings.
Facilities: Cleaning, Disinfecting, Ventilation
The district will follow regular cleaning and disinfection procedures. Additional disinfecting procedures may be implemented in classrooms during the day as recommended by the GCHD, MDHHS, and/or CDC :
Food Service
Normal food service operations will occur. Additional health and safety protocols may be put in place as required by the GCHD.
Normal transportation operations will occur. Additional health and safety protocols or cleaning and disinfecting procedures may be implemented as deemed appropriate.
Hand Hygiene and Respiratory Etiquette
Hand Hygiene/Hand Sanitation and Respiratory etiquette are expected, and additional opportunities for proper hand washing will be available throughout the day. Hand sanitizing may be required when students leave or enter the classroom and other designated areas.
Health Screening and Student Illness
Parents/guardians should conduct a daily student wellness check prior to sending students to school.
Parents/Guardians are not to send children to school who are ill. Students exhibiting the following symptoms that are new or different/worse from their baseline of any chronic illness shall remain home or excluded from school or excluded from school until the student is symptom-free for 24 hours without the aid of medication or as indicated for their illness.
- Severely ill (lethargic or less responsive, has difficulty breathing)
- Fever (temperature over 100.4) or feeling feverish/chills
- Cough, shortness of breath
- Sore throat
- Runny or stuffy nose (congestion)
- Muscle, or body aches
- Headaches
- Fatigue (tiredness)
- Vomiting (two or more times)
- Diarrhea (two or more loose or watery stools)
- Abdominal pain
- Rash with fever
- Wearing skin sores that cannot be covered
- New loss of taste or smell
Isolation and Quarantine
The district will follow current mandates/orders from federal, state, or local health agencies. In the absence of health department orders, the district encourages parents/guardians to follow current medical professional and/or health department guidance regarding exclusion periods for communicable diseases.
The district does not require staff or students to be vaccinated against COVID-19. The GCHD, MDHHS, and CDC recommend COVID-19 vaccination as the leading public health prevention strategy to end the COVID-19 pandemic and keep schools, extracurricular activities, and sports safely operational and in person.
Planned Use of Funds
ESSER III-American Rescue Plan
Revision History
April 2, 2024, updated from the Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools Continuity of Learning Plan. Additional federal documentation was added to meet federal compliance information that was previously included in the Prepared and Response Plan, which was embedded in the Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan.
April 2024 – Plan revised
October 2023 – Plan reviewed
September 2022 – Plan revised
June 2021 – Plan revised
February 2021 – Plan revised
December 2020 – Plan revised
October 2020 – Plan revised
September 2020 – Extended COVID-19 Learning Plan
July 2020 – Original Preparedness and Response Plan
April 2020 – Continuity of Learning Framework
March 2020 – Pandemic Coronavirus Plan