• Ten Requirements for Title I Programs


    1.      Comprehensive Needs Assessment.  All students are evaluated using the Title I/At-Risk Selection Criteria, which includes district, classroom, and standardized assessments, as well as socio-economic and behavioral information.  The Steering Committee also reviews results from state and district assessments, enrollment trends, demographics, and survey results from parents, students, and staff.

    2.      School-wide Reform Strategies.  Goals, strategies, and interventions are developed in response to the comprehensive needs assessment. 

    3.      Instruction by Highly Qualified Staff.  All teachers and paraprofessionals meet the federal guidelines for highly qualified staff.

    4.      Strategies to Attract Highly Qualified Staff.  Carman-Ainsworth recruits teachers through the GISD website and area job fairs.  100% of teachers are highly qualified and many also hold advanced degrees.

    5.      Professional Development. 

    a.       Professional learning community meetings during late start Wednesdays

    b.      District grade level meetings with support from district coaches and independent consultants.

    6.      Family Involvement/Parent Involvement

    a.       Family Learning Nights

    b.      School Newsletter

    c.       District Newspaper

    d.      School Curriculum Nights

    e.       Parent-Teacher Conferences

    f.       School Improvement Steering Committee

    g.      Title I Parent Involvement Committee

    h.      Parent-Teacher Club

    7.      Transition Activities

    a.       Kindergarten Round-up

    b.      Kindergarten Open House

    c.       Parent Pamphlets

    d.      Getting Ready for Kindergarten Kits

    e.       Third Grade Visits to Rankin

    8.      Teacher Participation in Assessment Decisions.  All teachers participate in school improvement planning and weekly Professional Learning Community meetings.

    9.      Timely Additional Assistance

    a.       Academic Interventions

    b.      Early Literacy Intervention (ELI)

    c.       Kindergarten ELI

    d.      Road to the Code

    e.       Lunchtime Homework Help

    f.       Lunchtime Math Games

    g.      Leveled Literacy Intervention (LLI)

    h.      Family Learning Nights

    i.        Small Group Tutoring

    j.        Community Mentors

    k.      Summer School

    l.        Super Summer Success

    m.    Success Maker

    n.      Math Interventions (TOMMI)

    o.      Fluency and Comprehension Groups

    10.  Coordination of Resources

    a.       After School Programs

    b.      Lunchtime Tutors

    c.       Volunteers

    d.      At-Risk Services

    e.       Community Groups

    f.       Positive Behavior Support

    g.      Local Churches

    h.      Lion’s Club

    i.        Old Newsboys

    j.        C-A/Bendle Senior Citizens