• Wellness Policy

    District stakeholders are able to participate in the review, update & implementation of the wellness policy. Please contact food service for more information at 810-591-3220. We last reviewed the policy as a wellness committee on May 18, 2022.

    C-A Wellness Policy


    Michigan Department of Education Office of Health and Nutrition Services School Nutrition Programs

    Local Wellness Policy:

    Triennial Assessment Summary



    The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 requires Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) to update or modify their wellness policy, as appropriate. When wellness committees meet on a regular basis throughout the school year, an assessment plan should be used to ensure progress is being made on the district’s wellness policy and procedures.


    The template below is offered to help summarize the information gathered during your assessment. Members of a school wellness committee who are completing the triennial assessment for their school wellness policy may use this template. It contains the three required components of the triennial assessment, including 1) compliance with the wellness policy, 2) how the wellness policy compares to model wellness policies, and 3) progress made in attaining the goals of the wellness policy.


    The copy of the assessment must be made available to the public. How the assessment is made available is the decision of the LEA. Many LEA’s choose to post the results on their district website. The triennial assessment summary and the assessment details must be shared.


    Keep a copy of the most recent triennial assessment, along with supporting documentation on file. This will be needed when you have a School Nutrition Program administrative review.








    Section 1: General Information


    School(s) included in the assessment:      C-A district


    Month and year of current assessment:  May 2022                                                                            

    Date of last Local Wellness Policy revision: 9/3/19                     

    Website address for the wellness policy and/or information on how the public can access a copy:  carman.k12.mi.us


    Section 2: Wellness Committee Information


    How often does your school wellness committee meet?  Every other year ________________


    School Wellness Leader:


    Job Title

    Email Address

    Jennifer Yee




    School Wellness Committee Members:


    Job Title

    Email Address

    Crystal Dahl, Waymond Beavers

    Board of Education


    Abbey Cowan, Lisa Masi, Eric Keskes, Nancy Sharai, Jack Lengemann

    Teachers, community


    Scott Snyder



    Karah Jarman, Kaitlyn Bailey

    Health professionals


    Laura Garrison, Jennifer Thornton, Shannon Thorpe, Erica Beavers, Waymond Beavers, Chasity Ferguson

    Parents, community


    Kate Kenworthy, Ainsley Vanderhyde



    Gina Ryan, Laura Garrison, Cathy McGilvery  





    Section 3. Comparison to Model School Wellness Policies

    Indicate the model policy language used for comparison:

    • Michigan State Board of Education Model Local School Wellness Policy
    • Alliance for a Healthier Generation: Model Policy
    • WellSAT 3.0 example policy language


    Describe how your wellness policy compares to model wellness policies.

    C-A policy was adopted and modified using the NEOLA of Michigan template. 


    Section 4. Compliance with the Wellness Policy and progress towards goals

    At a minimum, local wellness policies are required to include:

    • Specific goals for:
      • Nutrition promotion and education
      • Physical activity
      • Other school-based activities that promote student
    • Standards and nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages sold to students on the school campus during the school day that are consistent with Federal regulations for school meal nutrition standards, and the Smart Snacks in School nutrition
    • Standards for all foods and beverages provided, but not sold, to students during the school day (e.g., in classroom parties, classroom snacks brought by parents, or other foods given as incentives).
    • Policies for food and beverage marketing that allow marketing and advertising of only those foods and beverages that meet the Smart Snacks in School nutrition
    • Description of public involvement, public updates, policy leadership, and evaluation

    Using the table below to indicate the progress made with each goal included in the Wellness Policy. The table may be used for each school separately or the district as a whole.

    Tip: When developing a wellness plan, ensure activities are meeting goals by developing SMART objectives:

    • Specific: Identify the exact area to
    • Measurable: Quantify the
    • Attainable: Determine what is
    • Realistic: Consider resources and determine what can reasonably be
    • Time bound: Identify deadlines for goals and related

    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has tips for developing SMART objectives.

    Michigan Department of Education Local Wellness Policy Assessment Plan

    School Name: Carman-Ainsworth Community Schools                                                                                 Date:  5/18/22      

    Nutrition Promotion and Education Goal(s):


    What do we want to accomplish?

    Action Steps

    What activities need to happen?


    Start dates


    How is progress measured?

    Lead Person


    Who will be involved and/or impacted?










    Nutrition education should be made available to parents/guardians & the community.

    Handouts, wall/bulletin board posters, banners, posting on C-A website, other communications focused on proper nutrition & healthy lifestyles.

    23-23 SY

    Verify documentation is getting posted & available to parents, etc.

    Visual checks @ schools


    Staff, community, students, teachers  

    In process



    What do we want to accomplish?

    Action Steps

    What activities need to happen?


    Start dates


    How is progress measured?

    Lead Person


    Who will be involved and/or impacted?



    Planned instruction in PE shall include cooperative as well as competitive games.

    Planning & scheduling of games

    Include in lesson plans

    22-23 SY

    PACER test

    Participation numbers


    Staff, students, teachers

    In process

    The school shall provide information to families to encourage & assist with incorporating physical activity into students’ lifestyle. 

    Include information in school news letters

    Make handouts available

    Post on C-A website information

    22-23 SY

    PACER test

    Monitor views on C-A website & handouts taken



    Principles, students,


    In process

    Physical Activity Goal(s):

    School-based activities to promote student wellness goal(s): *


    What do we want to accomplish?

    Action Steps

    What activities need to happen?


    Start dates


    How is progress measured?

    Lead Person


    Who will be involved and/or impacted?



    The school shall provide attractive, clean environments where student eat.

    Talk with staff regarding cleaning areas keeping them attractive. 

    22-23 SY

    Monitor cleanliness of cafeteria, etc.


    FS Staff


    FS Staff, custodians,


    In process

    C-A will promote to parents & students the benefits of & approaches of healthy eating and physical activity throughout the SY.

    Communications to parents through: newsletters, C-A website, handouts, etc.


    22-23 SY

    Monitor & record documentations that have been posted or sent to parents (C-A website, Facebook, newsletters)




    Staff, teachers, principals, FSD

    In process






    Nutrition guidelines for all foods and beverages for sale on the school campus (i.e. school meals and smart snacks):


    What do we want to accomplish?

    Action Steps

    What activities need to happen?


    Start dates


    How is progress measured?

    Lead Person


    Who will be involved and/or impacted?



    Revise LWP to included MDE rule to allow two food/beverage fundraisers per school building per week that do not meet Smart Snacks standards.

    Need Board Approval

    Inform staff of revision

    22-23 SY

    Revised included in LWP


    Board members, staff, students, community

    In process

    Guidelines for other foods and beverages available on the school campus, but not sold:


    What do we want to accomplish?

    Action Steps

    What activities need to happen?


    Start dates


    How is progress measured?

    Lead Person


    Who will be involved and/or impacted?



    Encourage parents to provide prepackaged (with allergens list), and

    Healthy choices for parities & special events.

    Staff to encourage parents/students

    with healthy foods choices (i.e. sign up lists for parties & special events)

    22-23 SY

    Monitor parties & special events




    Students, staff

    In process

    Marketing and advertising of only foods and beverages that meet Smart Snacks:


    What do we want to accomplish?

    Action Steps

    What activities need to happen?


    Start dates


    How is progress measured?

    Lead Person


    Who will be involved and/or impacted?



    Inform all of Smart Snacks rules

    Handouts, wall/bulletin board posters, banners, and posting on C-A website

    22-23 SY

    Record documentation of information that has gone out, been posted on C-A website.


    Students, staff, teachers, parents, etc.

    In process