• Elementary Parent Guide
    A Parent's Guide to Grades K-8 Curriculum

    Our curriculum for all grade levels is aligned to the State of Michigan Curriculum Framework and refined by Carman-Ainsworth staff to meet the unique needs of our students.  It is also based upon the recommendations of national curriculum organizations and councils.


    In order to help you understand our curriculum better, we are pleased to share with you a brief overview of the types of literacy and mathematics skills students should know and be able to do at the end of each grade, kindergarten through fifth.  By linking to the Michigan Department of Education website at www.michigan.gov/mde, you will find Parent Guides under “K-8 GLCE Documents” which list the major topics, concepts, or skills that are taught in our elementary schools.  Paper copies of these guides are also available in your child’s school office. 


    Although these Parent Guides will help answer the question, “What will my child learn this year?”, they do not cover the complete array of specific abilities or understandings that children are taught.  Not listed are the attitudes and skills that are central to all successful learning and that create lifelong learners.  Lessons in these attitudes and skills are woven throughout all content lessons.  As children work in the classroom, they are encouraged to question, to explore, to wonder, and to solve problems.  They are given opportunities to push themselves, to work hard, and to experience the satisfaction that comes from setting goals and persevering until those goals are reached.


    Our K-5 curriculum focuses on developing basic skills.  Teachers, however, always have their eyes on the “big picture.”  They understand that they are building the foundation that will help their students become responsible citizens who are able communicators, scientifically literate, and mathematically powerful.  If you would like more detailed descriptions of what students should know and be able to do as a result of their K-5 studies, please contact your child’s teacher or principal.