Title of Course

    Algebra I                

    Teachers’ Name

    Mr. Young         Room 228

    Course Information

    Grade Level:  Generally 9th

    Duration:  Full year – One credit

    Teacher Information

    Planning Hour:  No planning hour

    Direct Phone Extension:  810-591-5495

    E-mail Address:  myoung@carmanainsworth.org



    Completion of 8th grade math. To be successful, students should be proficient in basic arithmetic.

    Course Description and Overview of Content

    Algebra I is now a required class for all Michigan high school students and is required for high school graduation. Algebra can be considered to be the language of mathematics. The course will emphasize real-life problem solving and use the latest technology in calculators.

    Texts and/ or Other Materials

    Text:  This year we will be piloting Reveal curriculum by McGraw Hill. Students will be able to access their book electronically using their Chromebook.

    Format and Activities

    Teacher will:  Lecture, lead whole class discussions, facilitate small and large group activities, and provide assistance on homework. 

    Students will:  Take notes, complete problems at the board, explain problems from the board, justify answers, participate in individual and whole class activities and discussion, do in-class projects, complete and correct homework, and ask clarifying questions.  They should also attend after school tutoring either with me or in the media center whenever they do not understand what is presented in class.  It is absolutely imperative that every student study for all quizzes and tests. 

    Grading Practices and Procedures

    Semester Grade = 80%, Final Exam = 20%

    Semester grade is weighted in the following way:

    ¨       Assessments                                             50%

    ¨       Work                                                        40%     

    ¨       Life Skills                                                10%

    LATE WORK: You will have an opportunity to turn in late work for reduced credit.  You generally will lose 20% of your grade for each day that the assignment is late, which means you will have 5 school days or the assignment will not be worth any credit.

    TEST REDO/MAKEUPS: I do not offer test redos for an entire class. You may take an individual redo on tests only, although the test will be short answer rather than multiple choice. The same short answer test will be given to students that are absent the day of the test.

    Attendance/ Tardiness

    It is strongly recommended that you attend class every day . All makeup work must be made up in as many days as was missed plus one.

    It is the student’s responsibility to get any work missed and to schedule a time to make up a quiz or test! 

    Classroom Rules

    I expect that you will follow these rules:

    1.      Bring all materials and books to class.

    2.      Raise your hand and wait to be called on.

    3.      Do not pack up your things while I am still teaching.

    4.      Use respectful & appropriate classroom language.

    5.    Be polite & respectful! (i.e. keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself.)

    6.    Absolutely no cell phone use in class, including charging.

    7.    No food or drink in class.

    8.    Passes…you can use 3 passes for each semester.

    In addition, you must follow all rules in the CA Student Handbook.

    Academic Integrity


    All students must do and take credit for their own work.  Any deviation from this will result in loss of credit and your parent will be contacted. My classroom calculator must be used on all quizzes and tests, including the final exams.

    Technology Usage

    It is recommended that students have a TI-30X IIS. They can be purchased at most stores for $10 or $15. These calculators are extensively used in this course.  Calculators are available for in-class use only and MINE must be used on tests and quizzes.