• Process To Present a Proposal to the DCC Committee


    1. Staff members meet with the building principal to discuss all information about the proposal, costs, goals, implementations, etc.
    2. Principal lets staff members know if they can proceed.
    3. Staff members can go to the district home page, go to the Employees tab, DCC, DCC Template and DCC Forms. Staff members should save the presentation template and materials adoption to their computer. (Please note, required documentation includes PowerPoint Presentation and Materials Adoption Forms (Cost Worksheet)
    4. PowerPoint Presentation and Materials Adoption forms need to be sent to the Asst. Superintendent two weeks prior to the DCC meeting your information will be presented at. Asst. Superintendent will be in touch with the principal and/or staff members if more information is required.
    5. After final review of the PowerPoint Presentation and Materials Adoptions Form, the Asst. Superintendent would approve of the presentation so it can be added to the DCC agenda.
    6. At your first DCC meeting the proposal is presented.
    7. You will need to attend the next scheduled DCC meeting, as your proposal will be voted on by the DCC committee members.