    Homework is sent home each week on Friday.  Homework is due the following Friday. 

    I encourage parents to keep a "Homework Kit" easily accessible for students to complete their weekly homework assignments.  "Homework Kits" should include sharpened pencils, crayons, scissors, and glue.  On a few occasions students will need magazines or newspapers to cut.
    In addition to the weekly homework, students are expected to read at least 10-15 minutes each night and complete a monthly reading log.  Reading logs are collected at the end of each month and students who return their completed reading logs will receive a prize.  At the end of the year, students that have completed all monthly reading logs will receive a special treat! 
    If you have misplaced your monthly reading log, you may print a new one here: Reading Log
    Students may also enjoy the following websites for additional reading and math practice. 
    Log-in information will be distributed to each student after the website has been introduced in the classroom.