• EHS  Welcome to 
     EHS blocks

    Bendle/Carman-Ainsworth Early Head Start (EHS) provides programming to pregnant women, infants, and toddlers. Our highly qualified staff employs strategies and assessments in alignment with the High Scope Curriculum. Enrolled families receive services either in a home based setting or in center based programming.

    Early Head Start programs support children's growth and development in a positive learning environment through a variety of services, which include:

    ·         Early learning: Children's readiness for school and beyond is fostered through individualized learning experiences. Through relationships with adults, play, and planned and spontaneous instruction, children grow in many aspects of development. Children progress in social skills and emotional well-being, along with language and literacy learning, and concept development

    ·         Health: Each child's perceptual, motor, and physical development is supported to permit them to fully explore and function in their environment. All children receive health and development screenings, nutritious meals, oral health and mental health support. Programs connect families with medical, dental, and mental health services to ensure that children are receiving the services they need.

    ·         Family well-being: Parents and families are supported in achieving their own goals, such as housing stability, continued education, and financial security. Programs support and strengthen parent-child relationships and engage families around children's learning and development.


    Call 810-591-7236 for more information.


    Visit our Facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/BendleCarmanEHS