business ad contract
…Carman-Ainsworth Business Ad Order Form…
Please complete and return this advertising contract (or copy of it) with the photos and text for your ad
Name of Business Type of Business
City State Zip Work Phone
Do you have a student photo you would like incorporated with your business ad?__________________
What is the best time and place to reach you if we have questions about your ad?__________________
Types of Business Ads
Full page ............................................................................................................. $300
1/2 page................................................................................................................ $180
1/4 page ............................................................................................................... $105
1/8 page .................................................................................................. $60
Cash included check included money order included
$__________ (amount enclosed) – make check or money order payable to Carman Ainsworth High School Yearbook
Photo/ Business Cards instructions, requests, comments (please included business card for spelling/data accuracy or for exact duplication of the business card for the ad)
Words/text/photo (please included the photo) to be included in your ad:
(You may submit text on a separate sheet of paper.)
I agree to the terms and guidelines stated in the brochure
(Customer signature/ Date)
X _______ ____________________________________________________________________________________
(Name of sales person)
Mail to or bring to: Carman Ainsworth High School - Attn: Colette Bryan 1300 N. Linden, Flint, MI 48532 - Phone (810)591-5473 Fax (810)591.3215