• Student Records

    The Student Records Department is located in the lower level of the Carman-Ainsworth Administration Building, G-3475 West Court Street. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.

    Copies of Carman-Ainsworth graduation transcripts are available upon receipt of a completed Records Request Form. Copies of diplomas are not available. There is no fee for transcripts. Further questions and completed request forms can be emailed to Records Clerk, Terry Tynes, at ttynes@carmanainsworth.org, or call 810-591-8283.
    As of July 1, 2018, copies of GED Transcripts are only available through the State of Michigan via DiplomaSender. Orders can be placed online www.diplomasender.com or by phone 855-313-5799.