• Welcome to the Child Nutrition Department!


    Our focus at Carman-Ainsworth Child Nutrition is to provide nutritious meals to students. Our department has a well-trained staff dedicated to providing quality meals within the guidelines set by the United States Department of Agriculture. Please feel free to contact the Child Nutrition Office should you have any questions or concerns.

    Students need healthy meals to learn. Carman-Ainsworth offers healthy meals every school day. Continuing into the 2024-2025 school year, we will be participating in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) as part of the National School Lunch Program. Under this initiative, one free breakfast and one free lunch will be provided to all enrolled Carman-Ainsworth students at no cost.

    In place of the Free and Reduced-Price Meal Application, we ask your household to fill out, sign, and return the Education Benefits Form (formerly named the Household Information Report) to your students’ school or to the Food Service Department.  Forms are located in school offices or online at carman.familyportal.cloud. This form is critical in determining the amount of money C-A receives from a variety of State and Federal supplemental programs like; Title I A, At-risk (31a), Title II A, E- Rate, etc. These supplemental programs offer support and services to our students.

    Menus, nutritional information, and other information are located at www.carman.k12.mi.us.

    Parents/Guardians have the option to put money in their student’s accounts to purchase second lunches or a la carte items, no charging allowed.


    Jennifer A. Yee, SNS
    Child Nutrition Director