    Mrs. Standen
    Google Voice Number (call or text)
    (810) 844-1571


    Google Classroom
    1st hour Economics     nh5or72
    2nd hour Economics     n7zhzk6
    3rd hour Economics     f5gsg32
    5th hour US History     6nns72n
    6th hour US History     7wijipk
    Advisory                      fo5zr2d
    Remind  (text code to the number 81010)
    1st and 2nd hours:  US History          @cahsush
    3rd hour: Civics                                @cahscivics
    5th and 6th hours: Economics            @cahsecon

    “The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically... Intelligence plus character -that is the goal of true education.”
    ~Martin Luther King Jr.